
Showing posts from March, 2025

A moment of anxiety

I would like to share a recent experience of when I recently realised I was feeling anxious ...  At a recent networking event I found myself becoming very anxious with a racing heart, sweaty palms, overthinking when listening to everyone else’s engaging and often humorous pitches. There were about 30 or so inspiring women in the room and I was going to be the last person to have my few minutes to speak. Thoughts were racing through my mind – what was I going to say to get everyone’s attention; why didn’t I prepare more; what am I even doing here?!  I realised I needed to practise some mindfulness as I was connecting with my ego and not being in the moment. I consciously took some deep breaths, felt into my feet making connection with the ground beneath and checked into my emotions. These simple actions soon bought some benefits and made me to see how quickly I was jumping to conclusions and judgements - feeling it was a competition (it really wasn't). This networking group (Fo...