Stress less and enjoy Christmas more ...

1. Give yourself some precious time out and practise a 5-10 minute meditation (I enjoy using the Insight Timer app) to build up your own store of contentment or find a local mindfulness group. 2. Make the most of waiting time - when in a queue in the inevitable busy supermarket, or at traffic lights, or waiting on the phone - notice where your body is holding onto tension, breath in and out of these areas encouraging your bod y to soften and release, notice your thoughts and give yourself permission to let go of them (this does take practice!) 3. Relish the festive food - eating mindfully and really savouring and tasting your food will give you nourishment and satisfaction in more ways than one! 4. Christmas shopping – rather than shutting down and battling through the crowds, notice the sensation of walking, your feet on the floor, breathing into your shoulders, appreciating lovely Christmas displays, acknowledging your fellow shoppers and shop assistants with a warm smile...