How about sitting and closing your eyes at lunchtime?

I have had the privilege of leading mindfulness sessions in the workplace for approaching four years, during this time I have seen people embrace mindfulness and some make major changes in their lives. It’s very rewarding to see people’s faces soften, hands relax and a sense of coming together, slowing down. This is a time to leave behind all the constant demands of a busy life-style, to connect with your true inner-self, leaving you feel invigorated, refreshed and focussed. A true appreciation of being a “human-being” rather than a “human-doing”. All too often we are caught up in our daily routines without stopping to take our lunch break – why is this? Is something really awful going to happen if you turn away from your computer for 30 minutes or maybe even an hour. What will happen is that your mind and body will thank you – no-one can or should work continuously. I recognise there are lots of professions whe...