A mindful way to book a holiday

Is all this doom and gloom getting you down? Do you feel you need to escape from all the news and uncertainty? Are you feeling the need to satisfy a craving for sunshine on this cold, grey January day? Are you tempted by all the holiday adverts but find it difficult or confusing to make a decision? This short practice may help you … Just take a moment to ask yourself: What are my priorities, goals, and values? Maybe it’s to chill, visit a different location, meet new people, try a fun activity, sleep more. Just take your time to let answers, ideas, inspirations, images come to you. Be aware of your true interests and desires – don’t rush this stage, be open to whatever arises - this slow, deliberate reflection can grant you clarity. Just sit, be with your breath and observe your thoughts without judgment. Check-in and enquire “what’s here?” Does an answer or idea arise? Can you action it? If th...