
A moment of anxiety

I would like to share a recent experience of when I recently realised I was feeling anxious ...  At a recent networking event I found myself becoming very anxious with a racing heart, sweaty palms, overthinking when listening to everyone else’s engaging and often humorous pitches. There were about 30 or so inspiring women in the room and I was going to be the last person to have my few minutes to speak. Thoughts were racing through my mind – what was I going to say to get everyone’s attention; why didn’t I prepare more; what am I even doing here?!  I realised I needed to practise some mindfulness as I was connecting with my ego and not being in the moment. I consciously took some deep breaths, felt into my feet making connection with the ground beneath and checked into my emotions. These simple actions soon bought some benefits and made me to see how quickly I was jumping to conclusions and judgements - feeling it was a competition (it really wasn't). This networking group (Fo...

Stress less and enjoy Christmas more ...

  1. Give yourself some precious time out and practise a 5-10 minute meditation (I enjoy using the Insight Timer app) to build up your own store of contentment or find a local mindfulness group. 2. Make the most of waiting time - when in a queue in the inevitable busy supermarket, or at traffic lights, or waiting on the phone - notice where your body is holding onto tension, breath in and out of these areas encouraging your bod y to soften and release, notice your thoughts and give yourself permission to let go of them (this does take practice!)  3. Relish the festive food - eating mindfully and really savouring and tasting your food will give you nourishment and satisfaction in more ways than one! 4. Christmas shopping – rather than shutting down and battling through the crowds, notice the sensation of walking, your feet on the floor, breathing into your shoulders, appreciating lovely Christmas displays, acknowledging your fellow shoppers and shop assistants with a warm smile...

How about sitting and closing your eyes at lunchtime?

I have had the privilege of leading mindfulness sessions in the workplace for approaching four years, during this time I have seen people embrace mindfulness and some make major changes in their lives.   It’s very rewarding to see people’s faces soften, hands relax and a sense of coming together, slowing down.   This is a time to leave behind all the constant demands of a busy life-style, to connect with your true inner-self, leaving you feel invigorated, refreshed and focussed.   A true appreciation of being a “human-being” rather than a “human-doing”.    All too often we are caught up in our daily routines without stopping to take our lunch break – why is this?   Is something really awful going to happen if you turn away from your computer for 30 minutes or maybe even an hour.   What will happen is that your mind and body will thank you – no-one can or should work continuously.   I recognise there are lots of professions whe...

A mindful way to book a holiday

Is all this doom and gloom getting you down?    Do you feel you need to escape from all the news and uncertainty?   Are you feeling the need to satisfy a craving for sunshine on this cold, grey January day? Are you tempted by all the holiday adverts but find it difficult or confusing to make a decision?    This short practice may help you … Just take a moment to ask yourself: What are my priorities, goals, and values? Maybe it’s to chill, visit a different location, meet new people, try a fun activity, sleep more.   Just take your time to let answers, ideas, inspirations, images come to you. Be aware of your true interests and desires – don’t rush this stage, be open to whatever arises - this slow, deliberate reflection can grant you clarity. Just sit, be with your breath and observe your thoughts without judgment.  Check-in and enquire “what’s here?”   Does an answer or idea arise?   Can you action it?   If th...

Walking to Baia di Ieranto, Nerano, Amalfi Coast

Whilst staying at the stunning Casale Villarena, we heard about this beach and on researching it decided it would be a good adventure. The beach has no facilities so I suggest that you take lots of water, food, hat and wear sensible shoes (we did see some people in flip-flops but it is a good hike over rocky ground rather than a casual walk). More details can be found here: The track starts in the village of Nerano, off the road near to the local shops and Casale Villarena. I felt excited to be going higher and higher above Nerano, stopping to take many photos, watching the numerous lizards and taking care not to step on them. We came across the pink gate for Villa Rosa, where Norman Douglas lived and wrote Siren Land – we took more obligatory photos. Then I was looking out for the farming terraces which I had spotted whilst on the beach at Marina del Cantone looking up at the hillside. They were tricky to see...